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Academic Transcripts

Academic Transcripts


A matrix type variation is used in this case to offer a choice of number of transcripts and methods of delivery.


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Replacement Transcript (Matrix)

Replacement Transcript (Matrix)


An example of a more complex product variation matrix. Note: there is no 'Long Description' field when you set up a product variation so if you need to include a lot of text (as in this case), the wording cannot be hidden in the 'Read More' section as it can be when using the Product Catalogue. 

Replacement transcripts are obtainable from the University should your original become lost or damaged.

Please do not use this service if you have just completed your degree as you will receive a transcript free after you graduate.

The cost is £35.00 for one transcript and £10.00 for each further transcript of the same award ordered at the same time to a maximum of six. This charge is inclusive of VAT and postage and packing.


How to make your purchase:

  1. In the list below, find the code for the department or school you studied in then scroll down the table until you find the row with that code.
  2. Select the quantity of copies you require from the buttons in the row on the table
  3. Then click the Add to Basket button. (do not use the + to increase the Qty)


Delivery or collection:

The postal service used is Royal Mail recorded delivery to UK destinations and Royal Mail international recorded delivery overseas.

If you need a faster courier service add the Replacement Transcript Express Delivery product to your basket after adding this product.

Students can choose to arrange collection instead but the charge remains the same. Your department will contact you with collection instructions.



If you have any queries regarding obtaining your transcript please contact the school or departemnt you studied in.

Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries

Portsmouth School of Architecture (ARCH)
School of Art and Design (ADM) (Formerly Art, Design and Media)
School of Media and Performing Arts (SMPA) (formerly Creative Arts, Film and Media)
School of Creative Technologies (CT)

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Institute of Criminal Justice Studies (ICJS)
School of Education and Continuing Studies (SECS)
School of Languages and Area Studies (SLAS)
School of Social, Historical and Literary Studies (SSHLS)

Faculty of Science

Dental Academy (UPDA)
Department of Geography (GEOG)
Department of Psychology (PSYC)
Department of Sport and Exercise Science (DSES)
School of Biological Sciences (BIO)
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES)
School of Health Sciences and Social Work (SHSSW)
School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences (SPBS)


Faculty of Technology

Department of Mathematics (MATHS)
Learning at Work (LATW)
School of Civil Engineering and Surveying (SCES)
School of Computing (COMP)
School of Engineering (ENG)

Business School 

All Business School courses (PBS)

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Some product

Some product



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