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Library Payments

Example of Library Category Description:

You can now pay your library charges online. 

The charges will be cleared from your library account during the working day in staffed hours only. Please allow for some delay, especially in the evenings and at weekends to give staff time to process the payments. 

You can login to your Library Account to check charges applicable and also when your charges have been cleared **enter link to relevant webpage**

Library Payments

Library Payments

Library Payments


This is an example of displaying a number of library payment items as a 'variation'. The amount to pay is left open for the payer to enter the relevant amount.

Library Fees to pay for membership fees

Library Fines
to pay your outstanding Library Fines.  You can log into your Libaray account to check the amount due *add link*

Lost Book Charges to pay for lost Library books.  For information on the exact amount due please see the replacement cost on the overdue letter or contact us.

Equipment Loan Fines to pay your outstanding equipment loan fines.  For information on the exact amount due please contact us.

Contact details
Email: Enter Library email address
Tel: Enter Library contact number

Note:  The charges will be cleared from your library account during the working day in staffed hours only. Please allow for some delay, especially in the evenings and at weekends to give staff time to process the payments. 
Login to your Library Account *enter link* to check when your charges have been cleared.


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Library Fines Example

Amount (£)


This payment is for library fines for books returned late.

Please enter the full amount you have been instructed to pay. You can check fines on your account by logging in to *enter link*

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student ID

B&P Student ID Cards



Please collect from student services.
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Equipment Loan Fines Example

Equipment Loan Fines Example

Amount (£)


This payment is for Equipment Loan fines.

Please enter the full amount you have been instructed to pay. You can check fines on your account by logging in to *enter link*

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Lost Book Charges Example

Amount (£)


This payment is for lost book charges.

Please enter the full amount you have been instructed to pay. You can check fines on your account by logging in to *enter link*

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